I have been so excited to post these photographs! My fabulous friend Gracie and her wonderful husband are now married! Gracie was my roommate in college, the maid of honor in my wedding, and one of my dearest friends! I was so thankful when Gracie asked me to be in her wedding!! I was also so excited when she asked if Jon and I could bring our cameras along. The wedding was perfect in every way! The location was breathtaking! Gracie was beautiful and Adam was such an amazing groom! Jon was such a HUGE help for this wedding-- taking all the images during the ceremony and of the bridesmaid and groomsmen. We had so much fun! Gracie-- I love you, miss you, hope you are enjoying living in Cali, and I am so happy for you and Adam!

Such a beautiful bride!!

Ft. Wayne Rose Garden- Perfect!

Such a fabulous couple!

Love the shoes!!

I love mascara pictures...

Such precious friendships!

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